
Chipp Hackathon Winners Showcase

Discover the winners of our recent hackathon and the innovative apps they created using Chipp!


Scott Meyer
September 11, 2024

We're thrilled to share the amazing results of our recent Chipp hackathon. The creativity and innovation on display were truly inspiring. Let's dive into the winning projects that pushed the boundaries of what's possible with AI!

🏆 First Place: Agent OS by Bruno

Bruno wowed us with Agent OS, a clever system that embeds multiple functions within a single chat interface. From generating icons to sending emails, Agent OS showcases the power of concatenated prompts. Bruno's creation demonstrates how Chipp can transform a simple chat environment into a multifunctional workspace.

Try it here:

🥈 Second Place: Classroom Management Bot by Merissa Sadler-Holder

Merissa tackled a real-world problem with her Classroom Management Bot. This AI assistant helps teachers save time on administrative tasks, allowing them to focus more on their students. From creating individual behavior plans to generating documentation, this bot is a game-changer for educators.

Try it here:

🥉 Third Place: Fizzy Test by Paul

Paul, a physiotherapist, created Fizzy Test, a lead generation bot that offers personalized advice for people with injuries or pain. This innovative use of Chipp's lead gen feature blends AI with healthcare, providing initial support and guiding potential clients to professional care.

Try it here:

🌟 Chippster's Choice: Pagina Chipp by Patrick and Vanu

The community favorite was Pagina Chip, developed by Patrick and Vanu. This project integrates Chipp with Telegram, expanding the reach of AI assistance to new platforms. It's a great example of how Chipp can be adapted to meet user preferences. View on Telegram here.

👏 Chipp + Softr Award: Henry in the Hybrid Workforce by Dan

Dan's project, Henry in the Hybrid Workforce, using Softr + Chipp to explore the fascinating world of agent-to-agent interactions. By creating specialized agents with their own tools, Dan's work opens up new possibilities for AI collaboration in the workplace.

Try it here

We're incredibly proud of all our participants and their innovative use of Chipp. These projects showcase the diverse applications of AI in solving real-world problems.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible with Chipp! Remember, you can always share your ideas and feature requests on our Discord channel or our feature request board.

Congratulations once again to all our winners and participants. You're helping shape the future of AI!

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