
[CC8] Turn Meetings in Money with Proposal Generator

Use meeting transcripts to generate proposals, action items, and summaries so you spend more time meeting and less time admin-ing


Scott Meyer
July 18, 2024

Welcome to the Chipp Challenge

Over the next 15 days, we will help you build 15 different assistants. Find the ones that will help you most, use our template, and build your own version.

When you’re done, share it on X or LinkedIn and mention Chipp! We will pick the winners on July 25th. You can learn more about the Challenge here.

Let’s take a look at the next assistant of the challenge: Proposal Generator

What to Build

Are you overwhelmed by the administrative load that follows every meeting? What if you could turn your meeting transcripts into detailed proposals, action items, and summaries effortlessly? With Chipp, you can automate these tasks and focus on growing your business.

Enter Chipp: your AI companion designed to process meeting transcripts and generate comprehensive proposals and action steps in minutes, not hours. Whether you need standard format proposals or tailored summaries, Chipp can handle it all, enhancing productivity and saving valuable time.

Why Build It

Your Proposal Generator transforms meeting efficiency.

No more manual note-taking or follow-up emails. Your AI chatbot analyzes meeting transcripts and automates the creation of critical documents, allowing your team to stay focused and organized.

Your Proposal Generator ensures consistent output.

By leveraging Chipp, you maintain a consistent format and quality in your proposals and action items, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks and all details are captured accurately.

Your Proposal Generator enhances collaboration.

Provide your team with clear and concise action items derived from meeting discussions, enabling better collaboration and accountability. Say goodbye to missed tasks and confusion.

Your Proposal Generator offers valuable insights.

Analyze meeting transcripts to understand recurring themes, concerns, and opportunities within your business. Use these insights to refine strategies and drive continuous improvement.

CODE Framework: Steps and Tools

The CODE framework is designed to help you systematically process meeting transcripts and generate valuable outputs.


Tool: Grain, Fireflies, Otter, or any meeting transcription tool

Automatically capture and transcribe meeting discussions with high accuracy. Grain is recommended for its quality transcripts, summaries, and the ability to highlight and make clips from meetings.


Tool: Chipp Proposal Generator or AI chat like ChatGPT or Claude

Structure the captured data into a coherent and organized format, making it easier to extract actionable items. Gather all your notes, transcripts, and supplementary information in one place.


Tool: Chipp Proposal Generator or AI chat like ChatGPT or Claude

Extract key points, summarize discussions, and highlight action items from the organized data.


Tool: Chipp Proposal Generator

Turn distilled information into detailed proposals or action items, aligning with your standard formats and requirements.

How to Create a Proposal with Chipp

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Create a Chipp Chat: Train a Chipp Chat on your ideal output, such as a past proposal, email, or action plan. Use the prompt below to get started quickly.
  2. Extract Key Points: Use the Proposal Generator tool to identify and highlight key discussion points and decisions.
  3. Generate Proposal: Let the tool automatically generate a proposal based on the highlighted points and your predefined format.
  4. Review and Customize: Review the proposal for any necessary customizations or additions.
  5. Export and Share: Export the completed proposal and share it with relevant stakeholders.

Example Scenario

  1. Capture:
    You have a Zoom meeting, and you use Grain to transcribe and capture the entire discussion. Grain not only provides a text transcription but also summarizes key points and allows you to create video clips of important moments.
  2. Organize & Distill:
    After your meeting, you gather all your notes and the Grain transcript, upload them to Chipp, and input any additional data from previous conversations or documents. Use the Proposal Generator to copy and paste the blended content or upload files directly.
  3. Express:
    Chipp reviews your summary and generates suggestions for next steps. For proposals, Chipp will reference past proposal PDFs and templates you've provided, ensuring it knows what format to apply. As it generates the draft, Chipp may ask clarifying questions (budget, deadlines) to include all necessary elements.
  4. Finalize and Send:
    Review the AI-generated proposal, make any tweaks, add any extra information, and finalize it. Once satisfied, export the proposal and send it out to your client.

How To Build It (Prompt)

‍When you create an AI assistant, the instructions—known as a prompt—tell the AI how to behave. I use two hashtags, ##, to help visually separate the prompt and ensure I provide all pieces of the RIPE framework. This also helps the AI prioritize as the prompts get more complex.

The prompt for the Proposal Generator is below. Replace anything in bold or brackets with your information.

You are a skilled [AI] strategist. You are creating proposals for [Scott Meyer, co-founder of Chipp and an AI consultant that builds custom AI solutions and provides AI training for businesses and organizations.]

Your job is to take information provided by [Scott] and format it into a proposal, similar to the files provided. Always ask for edits and make a proposal that is compelling and speaks to [why AI is needed] and how [Scott] will make it fit for that organizations specific needs.

To complete your job, do the following steps in this exact order. Do not create the proposal until you have complete the steps:

1. Ask what details they have to help generate the proposal, such as transcripts from a call or notes. Always ask if there is anything else to share before moving on.

2. Ask if there is any specific budget, timeline or additional details that should be used for this proposal. Always ask if there is anything else to share before moving on.

3. Using the sample proposal files as an example, ask for additional information needed to create the proposal. Keep asking for details unless they tell you that is all they have.

4. When they confirm they are ready, generate the rough draft of the proposal.

5. Ask what edits they have. Continue to make edits until they are satisfied. Then ask if they would like to export it as a word document.

6. Finally ask if they are done or if they need more help.

What To Know (Lesson)

The AI Sandwich

Every AI tool is a sandwich 🥪

It starts with the human - that’s you - as the top layer of the sandwich. You ask a question or give an instruction, such as: create a proposal based on the information I shared and the examples I uploaded.

It is answered by AI. Using your instruction, AI will give you an answer and details you can use.

It is improved by a human. The output from the AI is a draft. It solves the blank page problem so you don’t have to worry how to start. Instead, take what the AI gives you and edit it, improve it, share it.

Or, make it a club sandwich and send it back for more meat! You can ask the AI to make edits and then improve it again…and then send it back again as many times as is needed.

This is the AI club sandwich. Keep going back and forth until you are satisfied. And then, at the end, you always end with bread. That’s you - the human in the loop - who will finalize and call it done.

What’s Next

Now, copy and paste the prompt and add it to your own chatbot. Then, edit the prompt and upload your files to make it your own AI onboard experience.

When you’re ready, share it online! Make sure to tag Chipp so you are entered into the Chipp Challenge, with the chance to win some great prizes! 👀

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