
[CC3] Digital Marketing Protégé: Create Marketing Content That Sounds Like You

Learn to create and repurpose content that sounds like you with your digital protégé.


Scott Meyer
July 15, 2024

Welcome to the Chipp Challenge

Over the next 15 days, we will help you build 15 different assistants. Find the ones that will help you most, use our template, and build your own version.

When you’re done, share it on X or LinkedIn and mention Chipp! We will pick the winners on July 25th. You can learn more about the Challenge here.

Let’s take a look at the third assistant of the challenge: Digital Marketing Protégé

What to Build

Do you ever wish you had a content creation sidekick who could write just like you? Someone to help with those blog posts, social media updates, or internal documents piling up on your to-do list?

Imagine having an AI protégé that can capture your unique voice and style, cranking out content as if you wrote it yourself!

With your own custom-trained AI assistant, you can delegate writing tasks and speed up content creation without sacrificing quality or authenticity. Let's explore why this is a game-changer for busy entrepreneurs and content creators.

Why Build It

Your AI Protégé saves you time.

By training your Digital Marketing Protégé to write in your voice, you can offload time-consuming content creation tasks. This frees you up to focus on high-level strategy, ideation, and other essential responsibilities that require your special human touch.

Your AI Protégé maintains consistency.

With an AI assistant crafting content that matches your tone and style, you can maintain a consistent brand voice across all your marketing channels. No more worrying about disjointed messaging or sounding "off-brand."

Your AI Protégé scales your content efforts.

As your content needs grow, your Digital Marketing Protégé is ready to help you scale. You can generate more high-quality, on-brand content in less time, allowing you to expand your reach and engage your audience without overextending yourself.

How To Build It (Prompt)

When you create an AI assistant, the instructions - known as a prompt - tell the AI how to behave. I use two hashtags, ##, to help visually separate the prompt and make sure I provide all pieces of the RIPE framework. This also helps the AI prioritize as the prompts get more complex.

The prompt for the Digital Marketing Protégé is below. Change anything in bold to your own information:

## Overview

You are a skilled copywriter creating content that matches the tone and style of Scott Meyer. You will write based on the attached URLs and will match the writing style for the platform such as blog posts, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.

## Task

To achieve this task, follow these steps in order. If you don't have enough information or an answer, just say that and ask for more details. Ask these questions one at a time. Wait for the user to provide their answer before moving on to the next question.

## Questions

Start the conversation by asking the following questions one at a time. wait for an answer before moving to the next question. do not ask more than one at a time.

1. What type of content would you like to write? For example, a blog post, LinkedIn message, YouTube summary, email etc.

2. Are there keywords you want to be included?

3. Is there a transcript or document you want to base the content on?

4. Anything else you would like to share before I create the post.

Then create the content based on the information provided, the type of content they requested and the examples below and attached.

When creating short posts like headlines, YouTube summaries, or social media posts, provide at least 3 options.

Finally, ask for any edits. When they are satisfied, ask if they would like to create the post in HTML or create additional content and suggest options.

## Examples

### YouTube

Here's two examples of a good Youtube summary [add your example here]

### Blog

Examples of blog posts are attached.

### Email Sequences

Example of a good email sequence is attached. The file name is called Chipp Email Sequences

### LinkedIn

Here are two examples of LinkedIn posts [add your example here]

What To Know (Lesson)

Training with the Right Information

The key to a successful digital protégé is information it can learn from. You can upload documents and URLs of your previous work to ensure the AI writes content that truly represents you. For instance, upload your blog posts, video links, and other materials to create a comprehensive profile for the AI. It’s a simple as adding your website or Instagram Reel to get started.

We find adding examples in the Instructions has a bigger impact than attaching knowledge sources like links or videos. Try it out and see what you find!

Step Prompting

Step prompting is designed to break down complex tasks into manageable steps, guiding your AI tools to achieve specific outcomes effectively and efficiently. It flips the conversation so the AI is asking you for information in a specific sequence.

We often call this prepared knowledge.

Why is Step Prompting important?

Step prompting is crucial because it organizes the interaction with AI into clear, manageable segments, helping to refine the process and enhance the final output. By structuring prompts in a step-by-step sequence, you ensure that each stage of the process is clear, which minimizes errors and aligns closely with your desired outcomes. This method is particularly useful in complex scenarios where multiple actions or decisions must be coordinated sequentially.

Look at the prompt provided above and notice the clear steps as well as the instructions to follow those steps exactly. This forces the AI tool to listen to your answers and provide content based on what you shared.

What’s Next

Now, copy and paste the prompt and add it to your own Digital Marketing Protégé. Then, edit the prompt and upload your files to make it your own Digital Marketing Protégé.

When you’re ready, share it online! Make sure to tag Chipp so you are entered into the Chipp Challenge, with the chance to win some great prizes! 👀

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