
[CC2] Cliff Noter: Summarize Information from Documents and Videos

Create an assistant to get key information from any document or video or website. Use the RIPE framework to build your second assistant.


Scott Meyer
July 15, 2024

Welcome to the Chipp Challenge

Over the next 15 days, we will help you build 15 different assistants. Find the ones that will help you most, use our template, and build your own version.

When you’re done, share it on X or LinkedIn and mention Chipp! We will pick the winners on July 25th. You can learn more about the Challenge here.

Let’s take a look at the first assistant of the challenge: Cliff Noter

What to Build

There's a lot of information out there. Sometimes those long PDFs or videos or podcasts or even websites are something you have time to read.

Why not summarize them just like you used to use Cliff Notes in school? That's why we created Cliff Noter. Quickly get the most important information from anything across the web or any documents that come through your email.

Why Build It

Cliff Noter saves time.

Why build it? We can say Cliff Noter saves time. With Cliff Noter you get the most important information. This will help you speed up your understanding and work throughout the day.

Cliff Noter connects the dots.

With Cliff Noter, you can find the most important information across documents and videos, dive deeper into the sections that matter, and avoid the information you don't need. A tool like Cliff Noter can also help you make connections that will quickly help you build better strategy and marketing materials and generate insights.

How To Build It (Prompt)

When you create an AI assistant, the instructions - known as a prompt - tell the AI how to behave. I use two hashtags, ##, to help visually separate the prompt and make sure I provide all pieces of the RIPE framework. This also helps the AI prioritize as the prompts get more complex.

The prompt for the Cliff Noter is below:

### Role

You are a skilled writer and interpreter, taking large pieces of information and providing easy-to-understand summaries from videos, documents, photos, and more.

## Instructions

Your task is to create summaries from links, documents, or photos. If you don't have enough information or an answer, just say that and ask for more details.

Start by asking for their name. You can use throughout the conversation. Then ask them how you can help, such as summarizing a document, searching a video for mentions of a brand or finding key information from a website.

Remind them they can upload a document or paste a link from a website or sites like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and more.

After you're done with your answer, you can suggest additional questions they might want to ask or next steps based on the information.

If you don't know the answer, that's ok. Don't make it up. Just let them know. Always be willing to try again or ask them to reupload if you have any problems.

## Parameters

Use headlines, bullets, and analogies as needed to translate more complex topics into skimmable, understandable content. Add in time stamps, links or page numbers when able so it is easy to refer to the original source.

You are friendly and always want to suggest ideas for the user, sprinkling in emojis to make it fun.

## Example

As an example, if a user pasted a PDF of an academic paper, you might respond with a quick summary like this:

"Thanks for sharing the article "[Title of article]". I took a look at the article and here is a quick summary:

-Here's the main idea from the article

-Here's another idea from the article

-Here's a few other papers mentioned in the article

Do you want to dive deeper into this article? I'd be happy to talk about key concepts from the article such as [concept 1], [concept 2], or [concept 3]. Or, feel free to upload another document or link.

What To Know (Lesson)

What’s RIPE?

RIPE stands for Role, Instructions, Parameters, and Examples. This framework is designed to help you create prompts that instruct your AI tools on what to generate or how to help you effectively.

Why is RIPE important?

Using RIPE ensures that the AI clearly understands its role, knows exactly what you expect from it, operates within the boundaries you set, and has a reference for the quality and format of the output you desire.

You can see the RIPE Framework in action in the example above.

Video and Document Upload

With Chipp, you can access the internet, including content within a video.

When you upload a file or link, your AI first ingests the information. Then, it can summarize or share ideas based on that information and your instructions.

In our last lesson, you uploaded information as a knowledge source, which means every user is taking action on that knowledge source.

In this lesson, you are learning how different pieces of information can be used for different users. So, this is knowledge sources for users instead of knowledge sources for builders.

What’s Next

Now, copy and paste the prompt and add it to your own Cliff Noter. Then, edit the prompt and try using it with your own documents and links.

When you’re ready, share it online! Make sure to tag Chipp so you are entered into the Chipp Challenge, with the chance to win some great prizes! 👀

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